Stay Connected to Your Business
Ensure you’ll always receive your voicemails right away
Keep recordings of your business voicemails for the long-term
Easily forward voicemails to colleagues
Improve your responsiveness to customers, prospects and any important callers
Improve your responsiveness to customers, prospects and any important callers

Stay Connected to Your Business
- Be More Responsive to Customers and Prospects
Because Gecomp automatically emails you the audio recording of a voicemail as soon as you receive it so you’ll always know you have a new phone message right away — even if you don’t have your phone handy. This means you can respond quickly to customers or any important calls — by listening to any voicemail within just a few minutes after it’s recorded, on your desktop, laptop, tablet or any device you’re using.
- Get Voicemail Messages to the Right People Quickly
You can easily forwarded voicemail recordings from your email inbox. If you receive an important or urgent request from a customer or partner, and you’re not able to help them in time, forward the file by email to the right person on your team. Plus, because you’re using email, you can include a helpful note to your colleague explaining the voicemail’s key points.
- When You Just Can’t Listen to a Voicemail, You Can Read it
There will be times when you can’t or don’t want to listen to your voicemail, either directly on your phone or even as an MP3 attachment emailed to you.When listening to a voicemail isn’t an option, you can receive a written transcription of the voicemail, either in your email inbox or via text message.